Sunday 19 June 2016


“So, all set?” I asked my brother, as he ran around his extremely messy room. Panicking, no doubt.
“I can’t find my Rubik’s cube.” He said, breathless.
“Why do you need a Rubik’s cube when you are off to study?” I mused.
He paused.
“To get a grip on sanity.” He replied meekly.
My brother was leaving today to pursue his dream. Crash course so that he could get a seat next year. Medicine.
Well, our family was grim at first, no doubt. Our bubbly little prankster, off to take up something huge. At first we thought he was out of his mind when he said that he wanted to be a doctor, before his results were out. We didn’t expect much from his results either.
But our bubbly little prankster managed to shock the living lights out of our family, not to mention, our entire neighbourhood.
Damn it, he would stun the entire nation if we gave him a chance.
After his results, he declared it again. This time, we believed in his choice.
Felt more like a horror story come true, by the way.
My mother acted funny the entire week. She made his favourite food, joked around and dressed him up in my clothes telling him that he was a pretty little girl.
Dad chose to torture him with his inexplicable cooking skills.
And what did his big sister do?
I called up my cousin, asking him to accompany me to the mall so that I could buy my prankster something that would keep his sanity.
In the car, I broke down. Wept. And my cousin watched in silence.
“Why?” He asked.
“I can’t accept the fact that he’s a big guy now.” I said in between sobs. “I miss those times when I used to protect him from mom and dad for the things he did. Now he is the one who protects me when we go out in public.”
“It’s like…” I said, “It’s like… I’m deliberately allowing him to go through some sick sort of evolution. I feel like, once I leave him there in that nasty hell filled with books and weird looking Sirs and over the top nerds, he would change for good. And I don’t want good. I want him to be my prankster. I want him to happy.”
More silence.
“The stress is going to kill him. He could have chosen a lot of careers which would preserve his innocence. A doctor. My brother? What does a doctor do now? Other than be kicked upon by the public for not providing treatment on time. Blood and rot. More blood and rot. I don’t want him to be a doctor. Wait, I want him to be a doctor. I just can’t watch him change.”
My cousin took a deep breath.
“Ever heard what Metamorphosis is?” He asked.
“Ask my brother. He’s the bio-geek.”
He laughed. “It is a process. Transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. Everyone goes through it.”
I sighed.
“The transition from one stage to another is mind-numbingly painful. We think that we could ease their pain by helping them. What we do in reality, is make things worse.”
“Every individual has to go through certain degrees of pain to get where they want to be. And they should do it alone. No help from another individual is going to ease their pain. Everyone has their own brand of painkillers at hand. The only way that you can help him, is by letting him grow. Watch him make mistakes, and encourage him to learn for it. Everyone serves a purpose on Earth. Maybe that was why you were born earlier than he did.”
I smiled and reached over to hug him.
I watched my brother bid farewell to our parents. A long tiring train ride, a lot of jokes and junk food later, we reached the hostel where he would stay for the rest of the year.
As we were about to leave, he hugged me tight. And I gave him his gift.
He gaped in surprise. “A Rubik’s Revenge Cube?” He asked, grinning.
“I thought slamming sanity at your face would be a good farewell gift.” I replied.
He grew grim.
I asked why.
“Don’t you think, everything is going to change right now? For good?”
I smiled. I put my hand around his shoulders and took him for a walk.
“Ever heard what Metamorphosis is?” I asked.
-The Violet Woman
Lilliput #5
Picture Source: Google
Written By TVW
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